Saturday, August 30, 2008


Do I get a t-shirt?

Actually, it wasn't bad.

What it was...
  • Busy
  • Exhausting (see: busy)
  • hilarious. My nephew has a future as a prop comic.
  • Educational. My niece informed my that the green stuff inside fried okra is actually celery. The brown stuff is the "okra". Did not know that.
  • A huge blessing to us and the kids. How often do you get to spend a whole week with your nieces and nephews?

Of course, Nana was here to help me. It kept everyone sane and tempers under control. NO ONE wants to lose it in front of Nana. :)

We had a million snuggles, read a million books, and sang "Come the Fountain*" at least a million times. Know what? I wouldn't trade it for a million dollars.

*Read: Come the Fount of Every Blessing. This is their highly unusual bed-time song. It is now a favorite with our girls as well!


Kim said...

Ah, that sounds like a neat experience. And I would need a Nana there, too!

Amy Griffin said...

that does sound fun! and I am sure naptime was fabulous!

Anonymous said...

One of the blogs I have missed most is yours! I can't wait to catch up! Thank you for your sweet words! Hopefully we can all pray for each other as we raise these children and ourselves! Love ya!

Jules said...

Ha! That's my favorite hymn!:)lol