Saturday, February 16, 2008

Well, had to call in the reinforcements (Mom) to help me out with the poodle skirts. I can make dresses all day long, but can't seem to do anything that has a waist. Fortunately, fit is my mom's specialty. Hugs, Mom!

The skirts are for Sophie and Lucy Box (The Best Friend) to wear in their first ever school program. I am soo excited about it. Maybe even "dork excited" as an old friend would say. Am hoping that the girls don't chicken out.

And yes, they are technically kitty not poodle skirts.


Sandi said...

Hey -- cute kitty skirts! :)

I'm so glad to find you out there, Danna! I didn't know you were in Jonesboro. I have thought of you several times over the years but hadn't heard any news through the ol' HU grapevine.

How funny that you guys have 3 girls in 4 years! What a houseful and a busy life, huh?! Instead of fancy in our house, we have a lot of "rough". :)

I'm so glad to be back in touch with you. You should get on Facebook -- there are lots of HU people on there -- a lot of Chi Sigs-related people. But one thing at a time -- I love blogging even more!

Kathryn said...

Danna! I was so happy to run across your blog and see your beautiful girls. This is a great way to keep up with old friends!