Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Near-death experience. okay, not really.


Today I am out in the f-ree-zing cold pumping some gas.

First, I thought I was going to pass out from the pain in my fingers (no gloves).

Then, I realized that I was getting sleepy... "oh, no!" I thought.

They say when you get sleepy, you are freezing to death and are near the end.

I turned and mouthed my goodbyes to the 3 oblivious little girls in the van, tears streaming down my cheeks, so much I want to say ...

And then the pump clicked and I was finished.

I slide back in the seat, keenly aware that I had just cheated death.

And, I may have exaggerated the tears part.


Anonymous said...

Maybe Abby gets her touch of drama from you...

Deborah said...

You are officially a mess...

It's super cold here, too, but I do have a built-in heater around my middle.

Stephanie said...

You are so funny!

Heather said...

I'm confused..was that some sort of haiku?

Kelly said...

So glad your life was spared today. We all would've missed your witty blog entries! ;-)

Kim said...

LOL! Loved it!

Amy Barrett said...

You are too funny and never cease to make me laugh.

Liz Harrell said...

You are a real life Carol Burnette. Only tiny and cute. :)