What a busy weekend!
Friday we did the playgroup thang ... one of these days I will actually take a picture of this. These gals and their kids are so much fun and it's just chat, chat, chat, chat, chat, chat until time to go home. That night we went to set up my dreaded booth (that's right I said we. I have the awesomest husband on the planet.) Not the easiest thing to do with 3 little girls. I didn't take a picture because folks, it wasn't picture-worthy. It didn't really matter, though. I'll get to that part in a minute!
Get up at 5:30 to be at church by 6:30. I'm on the board for the Better Life Counseling Center and we had our fundraiser/bike ride. Register all the riders then it's off to ...
Stop, Shop, and Stroll by 8:30! Time flew by. I mean FLEW. All said and done, I did very well. Don't want to talk about it too much, because that's bad manners. But, I will say this - Seeing people decide that something I made from scratch was worth paying for ... gave me a strange feeling. I'm pretty sure it was pride, and being prideful is a sin, so I'm still working this whole thing out. Best-seller? This minky dress:

Then my little bro and his college roommate Greg Kendall-Ball came over. I have raved over Greg's
photography forever and a day, so for an early Christmas present Danny asked Greg to take some photos of the girls. They were in rare form (read: devil spawn), but he somehow managed to get some amazing photos. I'll definitely share them as soon as I get them!
Sunday: Church, then Nana and Papa and Uncle Greg come over from the View to celebrate Eliza's birthday (a little early). Great visit and we even went shopping! The girls picked out some toys for Miss Poops and have spent the majority of the last 24 hours playing with the toys themselves. The 2 year old (I won't mention her name) even got frustrated when Eliza tried to play with them herself. Ah... Christmas ought to be fun this year ...
Then the fall festival at the girls' school. Sophie and Maddie were Tinkerbell squared and Eliza was a ladybug.

Eliza was completely enchanted by the light-up pumpkin.

I don't know what it is, but kids in costumes are just the cutest things. This is the best one with Maddie in it. The camera has been placed in time-out and promises to behave at the church fall festival.

After the fall festival, we ran home, ate a sandwich, and the kids got in their jammies. Then we went to small group! We attempted to do our Bible study while the kids watched a movie and ate popcorn in the playroom. And by kids, I mean all of the kids. I've been finding the aftermath in Eliza's diaper all day. (ooh, Danna, don't talk about such gross things!)
Oh, at Bath and Body Works they were handing out little fuzzy sheep if you spent X amount. Nana and I each spent X, so we got 2 sheep. Sophie named hers Angelina Ballerina.
Annnnndddd.... Maddie named hers...