Friday, September 26, 2008

A rant

We all have mottos that we live our lives by that have nothing to do with our nationality or personal faith. Some I hope to pass on to my children such as "be kind to everyone" and "ALWAYS step out of the shower to pee".

Others seem to live their lives by this creed - "always put shoes on your baby".

Then, they like to push their constant-shoe philosophy onto me. Everywhere I go.

Granted, with each child I have gotten more lax about shoe-ing them. Now, folks, I am not anti-shoe. We have 2 big reasons why Eliza doesn't wear them more often:

  1. Her foot keeps growing. We received some cute pink ones at the end of August that were too small. I took her in, fit her in the shoes, and exchanged them for the new pair. One month later the new ones are too small. I can't afford to keep buying her new shoes every month.

  2. And, uh, she hates shoes.

Now there are small reasons like the hot weather, but really - what's the point? Most of the time she's on my hip in public. If I know she will be getting down, I'll put some shoes on her. (of course, then she just plops down on her booty and looks at me.) I just don't believe barefoot baby = negligent parent.

Just needed to get that off my chest. Stepping down from the soap-box . . .


Tawn said...

Amen sister! Right there with you.

abc said...

Agreed-it just doesn't make sense. I myself am somewhat of anti-baby shoes. If it's really cold or the surface is rough then ok; once the child is on the move a little more often. Brady was born in the winter and didn't wear any shoes to speak of until the next fall around the time she began walking at 9 1/2 mos. Even then I kept her in soft soles- Robeez and Pedipeds as long as possible. Hooray for barefoot babies!

abc said...

I think it's possible that that last comment was longer than your post. How does she think she is-what a word hog!

Anonymous said...

I am in total agreement. Macie and Nathan do not wear shoes either. I have tried to buy them shoes but their feet are always growing. It is just not worth it. I know that the day is soon coming where no shoes will no longer be an option. I'm taking advantage of this time!

Kim said...


Deborah said...

Baby feet are WAY cuter than baby shoes!!

Jenny said...

But it's only 90 degrees outside... her toes might freeze into little toesicles! :)

Matthew and Lindsay said...

Graham has worn shoes one time in his life. Formal pictures...go figure. He ends up kicking them off and they don't look very comfortable either. I am of the opinion: no shoes till they are walking. I put socks on him in the cold air conditioning. ie:church, restaurants, my mom's house.

Heather said...

We never wear shoes around here. In fact when I picked up Wyatt from school, he immediately took his shoes off and walked shoeLESS to the car. We don't judge....rid your shoes, and then when you grow up, your feet will be so tuff you can wear anything!!! The higher heel, the better.

Creekmore's said...

Samuel did not even own a pair of shoes until around 11 months when he started walking. Tyler does have a couple pairs, but has only worn them a few times when I thought they looked good with an outfit. This summer Tyler has only worn socks a few times. I have in the last couple weeks started putting him in more shoes, but just to get him used to them since he'll be walking anytime now.

And your post on mine literally had me LOL! We'll be there Monday after lunch - see you then. :)

Elizabeth said...

I have heard about mothers like you on the 10 o'clock news...

Jules said...

Here, here! I couldn't agree more!:)

Emily_Ann said...

Babies are supposed to wear shoes? Says who? :-) I'm an adult and don't wear shoes all the time. I'm the crazy girl carrying my shoes while walking across ASU campus.

Anonymous said...

Completely agree. H didn't wear shoes until he needed to walk around outside. Because really, what's the point? Even in the winter, we just wore thick socks.

Mrs. Brownstone @ XBOX Wife said...

I couldn't agree more! They grow SO fast! Stick to your guns!!!

Kim said...

Hey Danna-I "tagged" you on my blog. Check it out.
Oh! Also, reminder for pay it forward!

Liz Harrell said...

Wow... people really gripe about that. I dont think I've noticed whether a baby is wearing shoes or not, ever. Now pants, I notice. But shoes? Who cares.

Beverly said...

For what it's worth, I saw your baby girl at church on Sunday, and she did not have shoes on her feet. I thought it was precious. :)

Kari said...

We did not shoe ours much either, and I could NOT believe how often it was pointed out. I kept wanting to act as if we must have just lost them, (eyes wide) because we would NEVER not shoe our child! haahaa. doesn't anyone read all the parenting articles about how BAD the shoes are for the little ones...not to mention how completely frustrating it is to shoe them? mine wore the little velcro slippers from walmart for a VERY LONG time!