It's something special for just us ladies.
I got my boobies squished.
My mother is going to love that I just said that.
Yep, I got my first mammogram today.
When I walked in they handed me a list of things for me to check yes or no on.
- Has anyone in your family had cancer? yes
- Was it BREAST cancer? yes
- WAS IT YOUR MOTHER?!?!?! ack! yes! I get it, I'm high risk! Stop shouting at me stupid questionaire!
So, there I was, high-risk patient, 32 years old, getting my first mammogram.
It wasn't bad at all.
But I did celebrate when it was over.
Cheetos were involved.
I have had one too! We have entered the Land Of Womanhood!
Good for you, girl!
Oh, and I love the church pictures and the running explanation underneath each one. You are hilarious!
Yeah for you!! I'm still trying to figure out how they are going to have something to squish with me when I go...what do they do for flattys like me?? he he he
So proud of you, friend!!
I so proud of you!! (and your mom too!)
I think that is awesome!! Good for you!! And Props too for using the term, "I got my boobies squished"! I feel like saying so much that I don't on my blog because my mom says I tell everybody everything..and my grandparents read it too. Go Danna!!
Actually, squished boobies are less...ummmm...personal than I thought you were going with that title. I was bracing myself for a "Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret" moment there.
You should do something nice for your boobies today. Maybe one of those bras that Heidi Klum swears is "The One!"
Ashleigh....I just about wet my pant laughing so hard! Oh Margaret!
Awesome. Thanks for picking this day to blog about this topic. My CO-WORKERS are thrilled. Ya see, I was just bragging about my cute little nieces, and they wanted to see pictures. So I said "sure! my sister has a blog with pics of the little cuties!" And boom....I pull up the see "boobies" and "squished". As my co-workers lay around me on the floor, incapacitated by their peals of hysteric laughter, I thought to myself: "as embarassing as she is....I do love my sister and her crazy sense of humor."
Can't wait to get back and see you guys!
Seriously, how was it?? us "flattys" as your friend put it, well, we need to know. Not saying your a flatty..ok, just forget it.
For those of you "flattys" who are wondering, I had heard it's worse for those with smaller boobs... and I have to say I agree...Ouch!!!
Good for you, Danna! I haven't had one yet. And thanks a lot for the cheetos craving you just gave me.
Good for you-that's on my things to do list for myself!
ROFL at your brother's post!!!! hee hee hee!!!
You're my hero!!!! I keep putting it off. Love the photo op. Priceless. Hugs!!!!!
Good for you!!!
I have to admit I was thinking of Margaret too! FUNNY! Keep us posted on your results!
Good for you!! and your brother's post was hilarious!
I did this too a year or so ago.:) Interesting experience eh?
I love you, Danna!
Hey girl. Shoot me an email when you get time... I'm co-chairing communications for Race for the Cure this year and have a question for ya. :)
I got my first one last year at the age of 34, only because they found a funky lump. It turned out to be ok & the squishing part wasn't as bad as I thought it would be!
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